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constructor(route: Route, amount: CurrencyAmount, tradeType: TradeType)

The Trade entity represents a fully specified trade along a route. This entity supplies all the information necessary to craft a router transaction.


import { ChainId, Token, CurrencyAmount, TradeType } from '@uniswap/sdk-core'
import { Pair, Trade, Route }

const HOT = new Token(ChainId.MAINNET, '0xc0FFee0000000000000000000000000000000000', 18, 'HOT', 'Caffeine')
const NOT = new Token(ChainId.MAINNET, '0xDeCAf00000000000000000000000000000000000', 18, 'NOT', 'Caffeine')
const HOT_NOT = new Pair(CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(HOT, '2000000000000000000'), CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(NOT, '1000000000000000000'))
const NOT_TO_HOT = new Route([HOT_NOT], NOT, HOT)

const trade = new Trade(NOT_TO_HOT, CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(NOT, '1000000000000000'), TradeType.EXACT_INPUT)



route: Route

The path property of the route should be passed as the path parameter to router functions.


tradeType: TradeType

TradeType.EXACT_INPUT corresponds to swapExact*For* router functions. TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT corresponds to swap*ForExact* router functions.


inputAmount: CurrencyAmount

For exact input trades, this value should be passed as amountIn to router functions. For exact output trades, this value should be multiplied by a factor >1, representing slippage tolerance, and passed as amountInMax to router functions.


outputAmount: CurrencyAmount

For exact output trades, this value should be passed as amountOut to router functions. For exact input trades, this value should be multiplied by a factor <1, representing slippage tolerance, and passed as amountOutMin to router functions.


executionPrice: Price

The average price that the trade would execute at.


priceImpact: Percent

The percent difference between the mid price before the trade and the trade execution price.


In the context of the following two methods, slippage refers to the percent difference between the actual price and the trade executionPrice.

minimumAmountOut (since 2.0.4)

minimumAmountOut(slippageTolerance: Percent): CurrencyAmount

Returns the minimum amount of the output token that should be received from a trade, given the slippage tolerance.

Useful when constructing a transaction for a trade of type EXACT_INPUT.

maximumAmountIn (since 2.0.4)

maximumAmountIn(slippageTolerance: Percent): CurrencyAmount

Returns the maximum amount of the input token that should be spent on the trade, given the slippage tolerance.

Useful when constructing a transaction for a trade of type EXACT_OUTPUT.


Return the execution price after accounting for slippage tolerance

worstExecutionPrice(slippageTolerance: Percent): Price

Static methods

These static methods provide ways to construct ideal trades from lists of pairs. Note these methods do not perform any aggregation across routes, as routes are linear. It's possible that a better price can be had by combining multiple trades across different routes.


Constructs an exact in trade with the given amount in and route.

Trade.exactIn(route: Route, amountIn: CurrencyAmount): Trade


Constructs an exact out trade with the given amount out and route

Trade.exactOut(route: Route, amountOut: CurrencyAmount): Trade


Given a list of pairs, and a fixed amount in, returns the top maxNumResults trades that go from an input token amount to an output token, making at most maxHops hops. Note this does not consider aggregation, as routes are linear. It's possible a better route exists by splitting the amount in among multiple routes.

pairs: Pair[],
nextAmountIn: CurrencyAmount,
currencyOut: Token,
{ maxNumResults = 3, maxHops = 3 }: BestTradeOptions = {}): Trade[]


Similar to the above method but instead targets a fixed output amount given a list of pairs, and a fixed amount out, returns the top maxNumResults trades that go from an input token to an output token amount, making at most maxHops hops. Note this does not consider aggregation, as routes are linear. It is possible a better route exists by splitting the amountIn among multiple routes.

pairs: Pair[],
currencyIn: Token,
nextAmountOut: CurrencyAmount,
{ maxNumResults = 3, maxHops = 3 }: BestTradeOptions = {}): Trade[]